Monday, June 30, 2008

Comfest 2008--Saturday

Well, Friday I went to Comfest with Ryan.  Patrick and kiddos stayed home, Lauren taking a 4 hour nap... it was strange to be there without the family, without Patrick.

Saturday, Patrick volunteered from noon - 4 (way to represent!), so we three headed down around 3:40.  At approximately 3:42 the skies opened, and the rain came down.  Lauren was most displeased, as the KidsART tent was transformed into a shelter for the weary... all the games / paints / t-shirt art / etc, was pushed aside to make way for people hiding from the storm.  Patrick showed up, tried to lighten the mood... I mean who doesn't like running in a summer rain storm?
You guessed it... even in Patrick's big t-shirt for warmth she wasn't impressed at all.
Trevor seemed unplused.

As soon as the rain stopped, we walked around a little bit, but then just headed home. Lauren was most displeased, and I worried she might not want to return the next day. But on Sunday morning she declared that it seemed a good day for Comfest. Right on, honey!

Patrick stayed on for the evening, and it didn't rain another drop. Next year we're going to manage at least one night for the adults... get ready Grandma & Grandpa, Nana & Papa... I think there's a slumber party adventure in there for you somewhere!

Comfest 2008--Sunday

What a difference a day makes.  We landed a great parking space, and the sun was shining. It did rain a little off and on, but nothing like Saturday. Lauren finally got to have some quality KidsART tent time, followed by funnel cake and spin art. Gotta love it. 

I didn't sit and watch a single band. Comfest with kids is a different world, but just makes me realize how truly wonderful it is. Lauren had a blast, and she's ready to go again! Trevor's first Comfest was a little damp, but I suppose that's better than 95 degrees and melting. I didn't have to worry about either of them overheating, and we have a great stroller that fits nicely under a poncho.  So, even in the rain on Sunday... the kiddos were dry, and Lauren entertained Trevor under the big red tent. 

I didn't see many of the usual suspects, but there's always next year. Here's a belated 'Happy Comfest' for those I missed between the rain drops.

Catch Up--post 1

Well, the Monday after Comfest is always a little rough. I worked, everyone else slept in a little later than usual. Feeling tired, and my voice is pretty raw. 

Last week Lauren had a bout with Roseola--high fever for a few days, followed by rash. She finally seems to be bouncing back--though last week was pretty tough.  She didn't eat much, napped all the time (and this girl does not like naps), and pretty much only wanted to be home.
My mom wanted to take her to Vacation Bible School last week, but Lauren missed 3 days of it with the Roseola.  I went with them on Friday, and was pretty impressed by the ship / stage that was the setting for the drama.... something to do with penguins and pirates, right out of the bible I tell ya.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

We Can Haz Playstation Blog?

Lauren and I are now officially, for all to see, nerds. And by nerds, of course I mean "front-page-of-THE-official-PS-Blog" nerds.

Here is a link to the blog post if it moves off the main page before you see it. UPDATE: Which it has. A long time ago. Disregard that first link.

Insider Info alert: This picture is photoshopped together. I took the best one of us with the best one of the TV in the background and worked a little magic to blend 'em together.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ballerina Baseball

So we played a game which was a huge "hit": ballerina baseball. Lauren and her cousins Pauline and Ashley were wearing ballerina and princess costumes, and we played some baseball with my new father's day presents of rubber bases and bat/ball set. The girls had a great time, and the adults liked it too.

Lauren and Trevor Play

In the crib for wake-ups or at the doctor's office at COSI, I think these kids are gonna be friends.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mega-Post pt.I

We've got a backlog of pictures and videos, let's start with a couple of videos dealing with Trevor's mad bouncing skills...

He's a happy kid, but nobody makes him laugh like his sister!

He loves this exersaucer...

Mega-Post pt.II

Lauren, Hannah, and Reagan in Lauren's new little pool.

Hannah likes the slide.

Reagan loves our little playhouse. She kept getting out of the pool and wandering over and playing in it. Lauren was only too happy to play along.

Mega-Post pt.III

The pretty mommy and her lil 'un

Trevor and Papa

Trevor can fly, for reals

Maybe he'll be a drummer? Please god, no.

German Village was underwater on Friday. Our band practice space is wet enough that we're trying to find a new one.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

From the Vault...

This is from December 2005, so Lauren would have been about 16 months old. She used to do this hilarious peek-a-boo where she'd look through her fingers before the dramatic reveal. She's a funny kid.

I've been cleaning my computer of all the junk tonight, and stumbled across pictures I hadn't seen in ages. Some advice: Never clean your computer. It's boring. Beth is out of town, and this is what I'm doing. Sitting here for 4 hours re-arranging files. Ugh.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Carey and EMO visit!

Trevor and Eric.  6 days apart... 
Hey dude... what are you doing?  Just chillin...
Yeah man, that's my sister...
Wait, where is she going?  And, how did she do that?

As is typical I suppose, no pictures of the mommies... but needless to say it was great to see Carey.  Once upon a time we had a picture taken together when we were pregnant with these dudes... though I never saw the photo.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

All growed up...

Two teeth, sort of sitting (see how he's got a grip on Big Bird... he'd be on his stomach without the yellow dude)... what's next?  Lauren was exclaiming, "Daddy, come look, you won't believe it... Trevor is sitting!"  So far these two are excellent buddies.  Guess we have to think about childproofing again...