Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Beth didn't have to work today because of the level 2 snow emergency, and Lauren's classes were cancelled. So we went outside and played in the falling snow. It was great fun.

Here is a bonus picture of the the kids on a giant Mushroom at the zoo. So we got one of those, then.

Self Portraits and new computer pictures

Here are some pictures i took of myself. I have too much fun with Mommy's camera.

And I also love playing on my computer. Here are some pictures i took of my new computer that daddy just got for me. He was really excited to find a G4 on craigslist for $40. Uncle Matt also gave us an old G4, so we swapped some parts between the computers and now it all works great!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Guest Author, my dad

Yes, Kathryn and I are proud of daughter Debbie Phillips, who took her oath of office two weeks ago as a newbie member of the Ohio House of Representatives, (92nd District, Athens, Morgan Meigs and half of Washington counties).

Recently, during the absence of the Speaker of the House and the Speaker Pro Tempore, Debbie presided over a very brief session of the Ohio House of Representatives. Her role was to gavel the few members present into session, entertain a report that there was no business to conduct, and then call the roll on a motion to adjourn.

Still, she looks pretty “in charge” to us, and we thought we’d share this photo with you too.

After all, you helped her get there, either through financial and/or moral support, or just by being part of the same gene pool!

Thank you for helping her grow!

Mike and Kathryn Lorz

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day!

Just a glimpse of the future!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boo ! ?

Does anyone else have leftover Halloween candy? DIdn't think so. The tally: 9 dum-dums, 4 pez packs w/one dispenser, 1 Werther's, 1 Laffy Taffy (Banana), 1 jawbreaker, 1 bubblegum, 1 mystery mexican candy, 1 Jolly Rancher, and 1 Tootsie Roll pop.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


There is a SMALL amount of snow on the ground today, but it's the right consistency for snowpeople. So out we went during Trevor's first nap to build him a snowlady. I'm not sure how Lauren knows it's a lady, but she says it with conviction, and who am I to tell her different?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Birthday Boy

Second birthday was a cake at home with mom, dad and sis.
Birthday 3 was in conjunction with Christmas 3, with Papa, Nana and extended family.
Here's the whole family on little dude's actual birthday.  At his appointment he weighed in at 26.7 lbs (90th percentile) and is 31 inches tall (85th percentile).  He's officially 3 lbs. heavier than his sister was at this point, and 1/2 an inch taller, and we thought she was tall for her age.  He only got one shot, due to noted illness, but he gets to go back soon.

Debbie in the House!

Here she is, her seat is in the second row, center aisle... 

Representative Phillips with her campaign manager extraordinaire Rob.
We were all able to be there today, from left to right... me, proud dad, Jim Phillips, Representative Debbie, Pauline, brother Dan and Jeremiah.  I'd never been in the chambers before, and the awe sort of wore off after the third vote or so... Congratulations Debbie!