Friday, March 20, 2009


It was Reagan's 2nd birthday on the 14th. The kids all wanted to play outside. Good times.

Trevor really likes slides. We packed up in the bike carrier, and it was such a hassle getting the helmet on him that we left it on at the playground. he didn't seem to mind.

Pretty girl on a slide

Packing them into this thing was difficult, but once the ride started everyone seemed to love it.

This is Lauren's view from the bike buggy. I really like this picture.

Lauren and i went to a CBJ game last week, and Diego was there!

Trevor's first go on the Zoo carousel

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Uh, let me first state that I have no idea when this picture was taken, or any context behind it. Ryan just dug it up from his archives and sent it to me. If I had to guess, I would say it's from 1995 or 96. Let me conclude by saying ????????????????

Another outside playday

This is Lauren's chalking masterpiece. It's a picture of "a girl standing in a meadow with lots of pretty flowers and bushes, while the sun rises into the blue sky with clouds behind her, and she's yawning".
She's an imaginative one.

Also, Trevor enjoyed the car and all the cool buttons on the steering wheel. Not quite as much as he enjoyed rolling my basketball into the street, but that's another matter.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Nice Day

March is a funny month. It's been 20 degrees and then the next day it's been 60 degrees. (I'm rooting for the 60)