Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gingerbread House

Although I don't think it will hold together through the night... it was fun to decorate. The roof keeps sliding down...

Friday, November 12, 2010


he's a dinosaur... hard to catch him smiling.

leaf piles are fun!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


She's a etch-a-sketch whiz! This is our house... upstairs are the 3 bedrooms, bathroom and heat return grate in the hall, downstairs is the kitchen, complete with microwave and toaster with toast in it. It was truly impressive.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

??? Huh ???

I'm pretty sure I posted this last year at about this time, but seriously Kohl's. Christmas in the third week of October? Aaargh.

Edit: Here it is, but it's from SEPTEMBER of 2008. Kohl's, you're crazy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Trevor with Sammi Pahlsson

From the Breakfast with the Blue Jackets at the R Bar this morning. Actual quote from Trevor upon seeing this picture: "That's my hockey guy. He's my best friend."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

cloud gazing at the playground.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Real Horsies are Fun Too!

Debbie and Pauline have been "getting to know" a mare named Reilly. They may buy her... but are right now helping groom and feed her. Yesterday Lauren went to Athens for some cousin time... and got to go for a ride! When we were packing, she's the one who told me that we should pack her bike helmet. She's so smart--I probably wouldn't have thought of that.

Friday, September 17, 2010

carousel horsies are fun

And Trevor is going with my suggestion that our favorite horse is the only one with the armour on it, just like his sister did. Muh-ha-ha.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Project: Complete.

Ta-da! After painting the plywood and strategically placing some wooden shims for levelling purposes, we're calling finish line on this project. Except for my thumb, this has been a fairly painless way to save $400. Now, to get to that two-week old stack of laundry!

Here is a link to the Youtube that showed the way.

I made mine slightly different: Instead of 17" tall mine are only 12", and since at that height it's too small to put your laundry baskets underneath, I went ahead and put plywood on the front face. I would recommend larger nails for the plywood, he is using 1 1/4" finishing nails, I would say go to 1 1/2".

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My thumb:

Ouch. I probably drove 500 nails this afternoon. I guesstimated I missed the nail 1.5% of the time, which, at that volume, is enough to do this to your thumb. Next time I' m going to rent a nailgun.

Construction Phase:


Pedestal #1...


Back to Lowe's to re-cut boards.

OK, so raise your hand if you knew that a 2x4 board was neither 2 nor 4. Oh, really? Everyone knew that but me? Grumble grumble...

Trevor helps hammer

Lowe's is loud

We're having boards cut to make our own DIY washer and dryer stand. We're not paying $500 for two glorified drawers. What do you put in those things anyway? One of the great rip-offs of the modern appliance world. Pictures of finished project to follow.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lorz Reunion 2010 pictures

We had a great time at Lake Chautauqua in Western NY. I realized after I got home that 90% of the pictures I took were of my own children, whom I see every day. Next year, only pictures of non-immediate family members!

Here is a link to the photo album.

Click HERE to start a slideshow instead

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lauren Caught a Fish!

@ the lake at Antrim Park. She was so excited!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Local boy eats sandwich without taking it apart

A most miraculous event is happening in Columbus' North end this afternoon. Local toddler Trevor Long is eating his ham and cheese sanwich as a sandwich, and is not picking the cheese off and ignoring the rest. Is it the bun? Is it the brief trip into the broiler the sandwich made? Local father-of-the-year candidate Mr. Long isn't telling.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monday, June 14, 2010

Oak Island vacation

First pic of many.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Derby Days

Lauren and Trevor really enjoyed playing outside when the rain broke. Trevor got so muddy that he went shirtless for an hour or more because we didn't have a better solution. Redneck parenting at it's finest.
Trevor spent 20 minutes chasing this little dog around the kitchen/living room loop. He way loved that little dog. It would run, then get tired of it all and Trevor would just catch it and put his hand on the dog's back, until the dog decided to run again. Rinse, repeat.

Dave won the $10 cup, which paid a cool $200 for the Derby. Nice!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

watching tv with a buddy

"Dog-sitting" is more like "dog-leaning-against" for Trevor. He sure does love that dog.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dinosaur Bath

Look who followed us home from the Indianapolis Children's Museum... Trevor decided he needed a bath.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lauren Art

The Easter Bunny brought Lauren some new paints... and cousin Pauline brought over a new, pretty yellow dress.

That One is a Dinosaur

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Farm Fun

Last week Grandma and Uncle Dan took Pauline (visiting during her spring break) and Trevor out to the Mason family farm in Pickerington. Trevor LOVED the farm. He saw cows, a horse, lots of chickens, cats and dogs. He ate the apples I sent along to feed the horse, but whatever. They brought home a basket full of fresh farm eggs, which Trevor helped collect in the chicken coop. He loved eating his farm eggs.

The next day he demanded that we go back to the farm. Lauren was bummed to miss the fun, but she was in school. We'll have to return again soon.

Saturday, March 27, 2010