edit: just found THIS about 3 hours after original post. What's next? Mummy Girl?
I just gave Lauren our old digital camera (psst, honey, if you're reading this, I gave Lauren our old camera). She had this little Hello Kitty camera that everyone online hates (and so do I). Guess we'll add that to the "Garage Sale" pile now.
So, we had fun making funny faces and taking pictures this morning. Then daddy had fun with some photoshop tools to give the Trevor picture a little more *pop*. Mad skills. LOL
A budding drama major?
Her generations Jamie Lee Curtis.
WOW. Them's some negative reviews for that camera! It's a shame, I can't find a good kid's camera anywhere. All my mommy listservs say the toy cameras are crap and you should buy a low-cost regular one or do like you did and just hand down your old one.
I'm in love with Picnik for all my photo editing needs. I think I tweak almost every picture I take anymore. I can't leave them alone!
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