Sunday, September 12, 2010

Project: Complete.

Ta-da! After painting the plywood and strategically placing some wooden shims for levelling purposes, we're calling finish line on this project. Except for my thumb, this has been a fairly painless way to save $400. Now, to get to that two-week old stack of laundry!

Here is a link to the Youtube that showed the way.

I made mine slightly different: Instead of 17" tall mine are only 12", and since at that height it's too small to put your laundry baskets underneath, I went ahead and put plywood on the front face. I would recommend larger nails for the plywood, he is using 1 1/4" finishing nails, I would say go to 1 1/2".


Jessie and David said...

Wish we had done the same with ours. Great job1 I sense a winter project for me...

Patrick said...

It's easy. just get a nailgun or use a power scredriver! too many nails SUUUUUCCCkKKSSS......